Latest News
News and information relevant to the South Island livestock industry.
29 January 2014
NAIT levy reduction proposal good news for farmers
NAIT is proposing to halve the current slaughter levy for cattle, from $1 to 50 cents per tagged carcass from 1 March 2014. NAIT tag and slaughter levy rates were first set on 1 July 2012. Early and widespread adoption of NAIT tagging led to a reduction in cattle levies in March 2013, with the cattle tag levy reducing from $1.10 to 90 cents and the slaughter levy for cattle decreasing from $1.35 to $1. All rates exclude GST.
High levels of cattle and deer tagging have provided an opportunity to further reduce levies and NAIT is now proposing to halve the cattle slaughter levy from 1 March 2014.
NAIT’s intention is to only recover what it needs to operate and maintain its systems and to reduce costs to farmers as soon as possible.
In arriving at the proposal, NAIT has analysed different options and obtained feedback from industry groups. Wider views on the proposal are now being sought.
The $13 Impractical to Tag levy for untagged animals at meat processors will remain unchanged. A full NAIT funding review will be undertaken this year. Submissions on the levy reduction proposal must be made by 14 February 2014. These can be emailed to
The proposal is on the NAIT website here: